Low Dose Naltrexone | Wellspring Custom Pharmacy & Health Source

Low Dose Naltrexone

What can it be used for?

  • Chronic Pain & Inflammation
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Eczema
  • Depression
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Low & High Thyroid
  • Arthritis
  • …and many more

How does it work?

  • By modulating the immune system
  • By briefly blocking opioid receptors, it causes an increase of your body’s own endorphins.
  • By reducing the release of pro-inflammatory signals
  • By regulating cell generation

How do I take it?

  • By mouth every day before bedtime
  • Doses are typically titrated up to a target dose, but each person may respond best to their own tailored dose. Finding your best dose may take multiple months.

What are the side effects?

  • Side effects are generally mild
  • Most common side effects are trouble sleeping and vivid dreams but most report those resolve within the 1st week. If bothersome, doses can be taken in the morning instead of at night
  • Some patients report feeling worse at first
  • Sometimes reducing the dose will help minimize side effects

What if I am already on opioids?

  • Low dose naltrexone can cause withdrawal symptoms – very low doses of naltrexone may help minimize this while still providing benefit
  • Low dose naltrexone can be stopped temporarily when opioids are needed for procedures or injuries
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